If you’re looking to save money on your bills, there are plenty of ways you can do so. A good place to start is your water heater. Water heaters account for about 12% of your utility costs, but you can reduce these costs by using your units more efficiently. Plumbing Professionals, your go-to expert for water heater repair in Birmingham, AL, shares some tips below.
Watch Out for Sediment Buildup
If you have hard water in your home, watch out for sediment accumulating in your water heater tank. As you heat water, minerals will crystallize and settle to the bottom of the tank, creating sediment. It will build up over time, impairing your unit’s energy efficiency and ability to maintain a consistent water temperature. When left unattended for too long, sediment can cause corrosion and leaks, which calls for a plumber in Birmingham, AL to perform urgent repairs.
Tankless water heaters are not immune to this issue either as sediment can obstruct the pipes and slow down water flow. That said, flush your units at least once or twice a year to keep them efficient. You may also enlist professional water heater services from Plumbing Professionals to ensure your units are running as expected.
Insulate Your Water Tank
Unfortunately, water heater tanks lose a significant amount of heat. To help you save on heating costs, consider insulating your storage tank and exposed piping. You can also ask your plumber to do this for you during water heater installation.
Upgrade Your Water Heater
If you have an old, faulty water heater, it’s wise to plan a water heater replacement soon. Older models are not only inefficient but are also prone to issues that are costing you money. When unsure of your choices, Plumbing Professionals can recommend the perfect water heater that suits your needs and budget.
Adjust the Thermostat
Lowering the thermostat on your water heater can make a big difference in your energy bills. The typical factory preset for a water heater is between 130 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit, but you can lower this to 120 degrees Fahrenheit to save about 5% of your heating costs.
Switch to Tankless Water Heater
A tankless water heater will help reduce energy consumption in your home. Storage tanks do not keep water hot 24/7, and once the water loses its heat, you need more power to heat it again. On the other hand, tankless models only heat water when you need it.
Plumbing Professionals is here to help you keep your heating bills low by ensuring your water heater stays efficient for years to come. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
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